It's been a long, weary year. I officially stopped crying myself to sleep over the sociopath in June, 2012, when I found myself excited over a cause! The Election Saga of 2012 swept me off my feet and took me away from my writing for too long a time. Unfortunately, the election slammed me back down onto the dirty sidewalk, but I have risen again.
I had to write it; I was destined to write it; so I did. THE YEAR I LEARNED TO TEXT; Why Am I Having Sex with a Muslim in My Basement? Thank you to my readers around the globe for cheering me on and praising my voice with no judgments.
My Muslim lover spoke of many things. One oracle of advice he spat at me: You will learn a lot from me. Ah, yes, I have; How to deal with the narcissistic personality. Do not spar with him, do not question him, do not confront him. Somehow he will always turn the tables over onto your caring heart.
Stay still, stay away, stay strong. And remember, he's not really all that cute!
The sequel is on my kitchen table waiting for instructions from my publisher. The new title: JIHAD HONEYMOON IN HOLLYWOOD; Another Sexual Romp Through the Qu'ran.
I have much to share. We women need to talk. If your girlfriends are sick and tired of your complaints about your "boyfriend," write to me. I shall take it all in with no judgments. I know the pain of stupidity, the thrill of chemical attraction, and the hope of changing an asshole!
Take care of yourself.