February 23, 2017
Dear Reader,
Previously banned in Indiana, IT'S ALIVE!
When in April my very own self-publisher, Abbott Press, refused to publish the manuscript of Part Three of THE MUSLIM ROMANCE TRILOGY, The Arab Sprung; While a Muslim Sleeps in the White House, my heart was broken, my spirit crushed, and my creativity hobbled from the knees down. After publishing Parts One and Two, Abbott Press decided to actually peruse what I had been writing about and came to the offensive conclusion that the topic was too hot and overly controversial. They sent me reams of emails setting forth corrections/deletions/and volumes of changes to my life. I refused to be censored in any way.
When I foolishly reminded Abbott Press that this was a trilogy and that the same venue, subject, and characters could be found in the first two books, they put Part One and Part Two through their querulous ringer. Again, I was sent cruel emails with lists of corrections/deletions/and changes to my life. Again, I refused to be censored in any way.
In May, 2016, Abbott Press removed Parts One and Two from all print-on-demand sale sights.
My friends, fans, and support group urged me to publish and to re-publish by way of Amazon's CreateSpace. Formatting is not my forte. I just want to tell my stories.
Then I found Steve Passiouras at bookow.com, who took the pain out of formatting my books for CreateSpace and turned the daunting experience of publishing into pure joy. All three joyously published volumes of THE MUSLIM ROMANCE TRILOGY are available on Amazon.com. Also available on Kindle. Enjoy!