Sunday, March 18, 2012

Some thoughts after a rainy St. Patrick's day. While, as legend has it, St. Paddy drove the snakes out of Ireland, the news is that the Muslims are now driving the Irish out of Ireland. They are also driving the Australians out of Australia, the French out of France, and the English out of England. This may seem like an urban legend to us in California, where the Mexicans are driving us out of Los Angeles.
And they are driving us out without even having a driver's license.

My attempt at boiling the brisket to fall-away tenderness failed last night.  Tonight it should be perfect after languishing in tupperware under parsley potatoes and soaked green cabbage.

Off for a walk before the rain starts again.

Book Soup on Sunset Strip has confirmed that they have two of my books still in stock, THE YEAR I LEARNED TO TEXT; Why Am I Having Sex with a Muslim in My Basement? There will be matching bookmarks for you, also.  So what are you waiting for? Get over there.

Be good to yourselves.
